The mission of the European Brabant Registry of America is to preserve and maintain purebred European Brabants through the use of existing registry information, ancestry tracing, and DNA profiles of imported European Brabants and their offspring, thereby providing enthusiasts and breeders the ability to search for and register purebred horses.
PURPOSE OF THE REGISTRY Preserve To preserve the European Brabant, also known as, but not limited to, the Belgisch Trekpaard, Cheval de trait Belge, Nederland Trekpaard, Brabancon, Dutch Draft, Belgian, Cheval Trait du Nord, and/or Trait Ardennais in its purest form. Record To collect, record and safeguard the pedigrees as well as changes of ownership of European Brabants. Educate To provide beneficial services for members by developing diverse educational programs, materials and curriculum on breed health, management, training and breeding. Share To share and disseminate any and all matters that may pertain to the history, breeding, exhibition, publicity, sale or improvement of the breed. Protect To ensure the European Brabant is treated humanely, with dignity, respect and compassion, at all times. Unite To bring breeders, owners and enthusiasts together as a community and positively uplift one another and the breed through online and in-person activities.

ABOUT THE BREED Origins The European Brabant, as the name implies, originates from Europe in the Brabant region of modern-day Belgium and The Netherlands. They are an ancient heavy horse with written accounts as early as 54 BCE. European Brabants are considered the mother breed of almost all other heavy cold-blooded breeds around the world. Their smooth, powerful and spacious movements at the walk, trot, and canter, combined with their legendary calm and gentle character, make them excellent for use in harness and under saddle. They’re used in agriculture and forestry operations, riding school and horse therapy programs, dressage and trail riding disciplines and more. The European Brabant Draft Horse is the strongest of all horse breeds in the world. There are faster horse breeds, but there is no other breed with the same harmonic combination of strength, power, nobility, and elegance. They are easy keepers and easily trainable too. Most importantly, they’re loving members of families around the globe. History From as early as 5th century BC, a large confederation of tribes known as the Belgae were living in Northern Gaul, which is modern day France, Luxembourg and Belgium. By 51 BC, the Roman empire defeated the Belgae tribes and Gaul fell to the Romans. The Belgae people, and their great horses, were discussed in depth by Julius Caesar in his many accounts of the Gaul wars. The Belgae’s massive horses were likely descended from ancient, ice age European heavy horses called the Forest or Diuvial Horse. These draft horses were so beloved by the Romans, they received honorable mention by Julius Caesar himself as, “most willing and untiring workers.” The Belgae people gave their name to the Roman province of Gallia Belgica and, much later, the country of Belgium. The Belgae’s great horses eventually acquired the moniker too. For most of its history, Belgium was either part of a larger territory or divided into a number of smaller states, prominent among them being the Duchy of Brabant and the County of Flanders. During the Middle Ages, the region’s draft horses were known as the Flanders horse, Flemish horse and the Brabant horse. They were later combined to develop what we know as the Belgian. Today, these horses are simply referred to as Brabants. This can be confusing as these horses are bred in many regions outside the province of Brabant and even beyond the borders of Belgium. Throughout Europe, the breed is called the Belgian and Brabant, but they also have regionally specific names. For instance, in Northern Belgium, they’re called Belgisch Trekpaard, while in Southern Belgium they’re called Cheval de trait Belge or Brabancon. In Holland, they’re also known as Nederland Trekpaard and in France, they’re the Cheval Trait du Nord. Though the breed has been around in some form for over two thousand years, the breed studbooks are relatively new. The Belgian Department of Horses was established at the Liège Société des Eleveurs Belges in 1879, and a studbook in East Flanders was established in 1884. Five people took the initiative to establish a national studbook, the Société Nationale du Cheval de trait Belge, in 1886. This unity brought Brussels, Liège and East Flanders’ studbooks together. After 1887, they went by the name Société Nationale des Eleveurs Belges. Finally in 1890, the merged studbook was recognized by a ministerial letter on April 27, 1891, and on January 13, 1919, the Association received permission to call itself Royal. From then on, they became Koninklijke Maatschappij Het Belgisch Draft Horse. Other recognized studbooks are the Vlaamse Fokkers van het Belgisch Trekpaard, Association Wallonne du Cheval de Trait Belge and Eleveurs Wallons du Cheval de Trait Belge. Given the breed’s sterling reputation for outstanding personalities and work ethic, they were used to develop many of the world’s modern day draft breeds to include, but not limited to: Pfalz-Ardenner, Soviet Heavy Draft, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Swedish Ardennes, Rhenish German ColdBlood, Poitevin Mulassier, Auxois, Murakoz Horse, Czech Moravian Belgian Coldblood, Hungarian Draft Horse, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Polish Coldblood, Breton Heavy Draft, American Belgian, American Brabant, Clydesdale, Shire, Suffolk Punch and Percheron.
BREED STANDARDS Breed Descriptions The Brabant is thick set with a deep heart girth and compact, strong, short back and loin. This distinction does not vary as greatly as their height. While they average between 16.2 and 17 hands, breeders have developed horses as short as 15 hands and as tall as 18 to accommodate the breed’s myriad of jobs such as logging, shrimping, farming and recreational sports. They have distinctively rounded hind quarters and their croup is characteristically double muscled with slightly hollow flanks. Their heads are small in proportion to their body with a large square jaw and straight, or slightly concave, profile. They are known for their kind eyes and intelligent expressions. Their ears are proportionate, if not small, for their heads. They have short, thick, powerful necks that join their balanced withers and shoulders making them ideal for heavy draft work. They have strong, short, hard, thick limbs that terminate in feathering ranging from slight to abundant. Heavier feathering is a relatively modern adaptation for the breed and requires more maintenance, therefore many are breeding away from this trait. However, others prefer the appearance of the flowing feathers. Their hooves are of medium to large size and well formed. They come in a variety of colors. Grays may occur, but are rare. Bay roan, red roan, blue roan, blacks, chestnuts and bays are most prevalent and some have white markings on the limbs and face. Size: The ideal European Brabant is of nice, middle-size with substantial muscling in which strength, power and nobility are linked harmoniously. Color: The European Brabant comes in a variety of colors such as chestnut, bay, black, blue roan, red roan, strawberry roan, bay roan and gray. Some white markings are also permitted. (see color markings guide on page 17) Height: While there is no minimum/maximum height, ideally a European Brabant should average between 15hh-17hh at the withers. Head: The head should have a bright expression, straight line in profile, parallel, light in comparison with the mass of the horse and carried with a proud attitude. Neck: Mares should have a long and high neck while stallions should be more robustly muscled. Shoulder: Shoulder should be sloped 45° horizontal. Back: Back should be straight, short and wide. Croup: Croup should be wide, long and slightly sloped with a defined split. Legs: Legs should be in a correct position with clear, distinct parts. Movement: Movement should be regular and correct with a powerful hindquarters and no over-animation. Base Coat Color Each horse has a base color of black, bay, or chestnut. The two genes that dictate those base colors are the Extension Red/Black Factor and Agouti genes. The Extension gene controls the production of black or red pigment throughout the coat. The allele for black color (E) is dominant over the red allele (e), so a horse only needs one copy of the black allele to appear black-based. The Agouti gene modifies black pigment by pushing it to the points of the horse, creating a bay. The Agouti gene is dominant, so a black pigmented horse only needs one copy of the Agouti gene (A) to appear bay. Agouti does not have any effect on red pigment, so a chestnut who is (ee) will not appear bay even if they’re (Aa/AA) Agouti Factor gene carriers. Bay: Ee/EE with Aa/AA Agouti Factor A bay horse is an animal with a black base affected by the Agouti gene. The Agouti gene only affects black bases & restricts the distribution of black hair to points & top line. Black: Ee/EE with aa Agouti Factor Black is a dominant gene & a true black will display only black hairs on their body. Although they may carry white markings on their face or legs, black animals have no brown or red hair. Chestnut/Sorrel: ee with Aa/aa/AA Agouti Factor Chestnut/Sorrel horses have no black hairs, they only display red hairs throughout their body, but they may have white markings on their face or legs. Roan Blue Roan: Ee/EE with aa Agouti Factor & Rn Blue Roans have a black base coat and the roan pattern gives the horse a bluish appearance. Bay Roan: Ee/EE with Aa/AA Agouti Factor & Rn Bay Roans have varying degrees of roaning on their bodies, but they retain the black mane, tail and points, and often have a solid brown head. Strawberry/Red Roan: ee with Aa/aa/AA Agouti Factor & Rn Strawberry/Red Roans have a chestnut base coat and vary from a pinkish to nearly all chestnut with red main and tail. Grey: Gg/GG A grey horse is born with a base coat of Black, Bay or Chestnut, but their color is characterized by progressive depigmentation of their coat hair. NOTE: The purebred European Brabant accepts horses of all base coat colors, but only permits two color pattern genes, Roan (Rn) and Grey (Gg/GG). Horses who carry Dilution Genes or any other Color Pattern Genes will not be registerable within the premiere European Brabant Studbook. Color Markings Guide Some white markings on the face and legs are permitted. The face may have a star, stripe, snip or combo of all three. While a modest blaze is also allowed, no full white faces are permitted. Markings on the legs should be limited to below the knee. Absolutely no white markings on the body are permitted. Breed Conformation Details The European Brabant should be balanced and slightly rectangular in shape. When viewed from the side, the horse’s body should be divided into three equal parts with the converging shoulder and hip angles meeting roughly in the center. The knee and hock should be approximately the same height. Structure of the Front Legs The European Brabant should have ample, robust leg bone with correct form. Each part should be defined and distinct. Structure of the Hind Legs In addition to having heavy leg bone with correct conformation, the European Brabant should also have a double-muscled hindquarter (rump) with a wide, long, slightly sloped croup. When viewed from behind, the rump should appear to have two distinct cheeks. Structure of the Pasterns The European Brabant should have proportionate joints to support their large bone and frame. The pasterns should be correct and free of edema. Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the leg tissues. Structure of the Neck A European Brabant should have a correct, well-muscled neck. A mare’s neck is slightly longer than a stallion’s, who may appear slightly close-coupled (shorter-necked) and more heavily muscled. Structure of the Head Ideally, a European Brabant should have a straight-lined, correct head. Some have roman noses, which is not ideal but is acceptable. The head should appear slightly smaller and refined for a horse of their large proportions. Stallions typically have broader heads with large platter jaws. Both males and females should possess a large, kind eye and proud head carriage. MOVEMENT Movement should be regular and correct with powerful hindquarters and no over-animation. At all gaits, the European Brabant should cover ground straight, true and efficiently. Their frame should be balanced and their movements free-going. At the road trot, the European Brabant should have lengthened lateral extension, robust hindquarter compulsion and a proud head carriage. However, the working trot is slower with less suspension and their head and neck are carried lower and relaxed. Like the walk and trot, the canter should be free-going with an efficient, rhythmic stride. NOTE: There should be neither compression of stride or flashy over-animation (high-kneed or high-gated) at any gait.

REGISTRATIONS The European Brabant Registry of America (EBRA) has three studbooks, the European Brabant, the European Brabant Stock, and the Appendix Brabant Record designation. The European Brabant Studbook is reserved for purebred horses (>93.75%) and the primary goal of this studbook is to preserve imported European Brabant bloodlines while the European Brabant Stock Studbook recognizes qualified, quality percentage horses (>47%) who may be used for the European Brabant Registry of America’s “Breed Up” preservation program. The Appendix Brabant Record designation accepts heavy horses with non-conforming breed standards and light horse crosses with >23.75% verifiable European Brabant bloodlines. Owners will be issued a Certificate of Registration, which states the horse’s designated studbook, their pedigree and percentage of verifiable European Brabant heritage. NOTE: All EBRA registered horses residing outside North America will be coded as ONA for “Outside North America” within the online pedigree system, Grassroots. The EBRA does not issue passports. It is the horse owner’s responsibility to apply for and obtain a passport from their country of origin. Importance of Accuracy The primary reason for the European Brabant Registry of America is to preserve and maintain with absolute accuracy a Studbook that records appropriate identification information, ancestry, and ownership of Purebred European Brabants in the Western Hemisphere. It is the duty of every owner, member or non-member, to do everything in their power to live up to these manageable Rules and Regulations. Further, it is the duty of any member or non-member who encounters any irregularity in the Registration or Transfer of an EBRA recorded horse to report the irregularity to a member of the Board of Directors. The Board has the right to order physical or technical examinations, including but not limited to photographing, obtaining hair samples, or any other action deemed necessary or desirable for any reason including but not limited to questions of identity, breeding, and parentage. The Board also has the right to conduct random testing to ensure the correctness of its records of European Brabants. If an owner of an EBRA registered horse fails to cooperate in investigations or is found culpable in irregularities, the Board has the right to assess and impose such sanctions or penalties as it sees fit, including but not limited to fines, expulsion of members, refusal to accept registrations or transfers from that person, and cancellation of registration on specific horses. To protect the integrity of the Registry, the Board shall have the right to make any decision deemed proper and necessary regarding Registrations and Transfers in specific cases.
EUROPEAN BRABANT DESIGNATION FOR "PUREBRED" HORSES In keeping with the Registry’s mission of maintaining European breed standards, the European Brabant Studbook designation is reserved for approved, >93.75% (15/16) purebred horses. These may be: Imported horses from the EBRA’s list of approved European studbooks Offspring of purebred EBRA registered parents >93.75% horses registered with the Belgian Draft Horse Corporation of America, Canadian Belgian Horse Association, or American Brabant Association who have passed a Breed Standard Evaluation Offspring from approved Qualified Mares and purebred registered stallion pairings. NOTE: No evaluations for 100% purebred horses are required for registration and >93.75% offspring of Approved Qualified Mares paired with an ERBA registered purebred stallion or a documented 100% European Brabant stallion are also exempt from Breed Standard Evaluations. Following the review of supportive documents, horses with passports from the approved registries will be considered 100% purebred. The European Brabant Registry of America reserves the right to assign a lesser rating if the traceable heritage does not support a 100% rating. Once the applicant’s parentage has been confirmed, those who are proven 100% will automatically be recognized in the European Brabant Studbook. Those who are less than 100%, but greater than 93.75%, must undergo a Breed Standard Evaluation. Those applicants who pass the Breed Standard Evaluation are then recognized in the European Brabant Studbook. Those horses who do not pass the Breed Standard Evaluation, or whose rating falls below 93.75%, will be recognized within the European Brabant Stock Studbook. (see page 30) Applicants applying for registration of a horse whose parent, or parents, are not EBRA registered, must provide a copy of existing registration documentation and/or passport for the non-EBRA sire and/or dam, along with a breeding certificate that substantiates the offspring’s breeding. In the event a breeding certificate is not available, the applicant may provide a DNA parentage test that proves the offspring’s sire and dam. All European Brabant applicants (geldings excluded) will be required to have a DNA profile completed, which will be used for parentage analysis and to validate any current and/or future offspring’s pedigree. NOTE: All applicants residing outside North America (ONA) must provide a DNA profile from an International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) laboratory to register a horse (geldings excluded). Applicants are encouraged to use ISAG labs within/near their countries of origin. The DNA profiles and/or parentage verification will be transferred into the EBRA's UC Davis account. Recognized European Registries Koninklijke Maatschappij Het Belgisch Trekpaard (KMBT) Koninklijke Vereniging Het Nederlandse Trekpaard (KVTH) Vlaamse fokkers van het Belgisch Trekpaard (VFBT) Association Wallon Cheval Trait Belge (AWCTB) Cheval de Trait Ardennaias Landskontaret for Hest Syndicate d’ Elevage du Cheval Trait Noord Cheval de Trait Luxembourgeois Le Cheval Auxois If the ONA applicant does not have access to an ISAG laboratory in their territory, they may utilize the EBRA's UC Davis DNA testing system. However, it is up to the applicant to research and adhere to all US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policies regarding the permitting, packaging, and shipping of animal products into the USA from their country of origin. The EBRA is not responsible for any cost, loss, or damages of any type that they arise from the breach of USDA policies, and/or willful misconduct or negligence. Deciphering the UELN Foreign-born or competition horses are often identified by a Unique Equine Life Number (UELN) in addition to their studbook registration number. This number is assigned to allow for communication between different studbooks, performance organizations, shows, etc. to refer to horses with a single identification number. The European Brabant Registry of America uses the UELN to identify foreign horses (when known) to be consistent with how we refer to each foreign-born horse. Encoded within the UELN is some useful information. The 15-digit number can be broken down into three distinct parts: Country Code: The first 3 digits of the number are a reference to the country where the horse was foaled. 056 Belgium 250 France 276 Germany 005 Holland (The Netherlands) Registry Code: The second 3 digits of the UELN are tied to the original registry of the horse. Even if the horse is sold to a different country and the passport is updated, the UELN will not change and there is always a reference to the horse’s first registration. 001SIRE (all breed registries in France) 005 KVTH (Holland/Netherlands) 056 VFBT/CTA (Belgium) Horse Number: The final portion of the UELN is a reference to the individual horse. Registries use the 9 digits differently, but often the horse’s studbook number is reflected in this portion. When reviewing a horse’s pedigree, the UELN can allow for a quick analysis of the pedigree to determine which countries and registries contributed to the horse’s history. The UELN is a relatively modern concept and at times only the older studbook number is referenced in the pedigree, but as more horses are identified using the UELN additional data is available to those who can ‘read’ the number as it was designed.
EUROPEAN BRABANT STOCK DESIGNATION The European Brabant Stock designation is for horses who have a minimum of 47% verifiable European Brabant heritage, and lineage from other heavy draft breeds. The specific goal of the European Brabant Stock registration is to identify quality, breed-standard horses of European Brabant descent who may be used to produce genetically diverse offspring, which may then be evaluated and included in the premiere European Brabant Studbook through the process of “Breeding Up.” A horse’s percentage will be based on traceable bloodlines and pedigree of their progenitors (sire and dam) and must consist of a minimum total of 47% verifiable European Brabant heritage to qualify for the European Brabant Stock Studbook. If a progenitor is not registered with the EBRA, supportive documents such as the progenitor’s registration and/or passport are required. A 100% rating assignment for the sire or dam is not automatic, and the European Brabant Registry of America reserves the right to assign a lesser rating if the traceable heritage does not support a 100% rating. Horses with apparent dilute color or color spotting patterns will not be considered for the European Brabant Stock Studbook but may be designated as an Appendix Brabant. (see Appendix Record page 43) All European Brabant Stock applicants (geldings excluded) will be required to have a DNA profile completed, which will be used for parentage analysis and to validate any current and/or future offspring’s pedigree. NOTE: All applicants residing outside North America (ONA) must provide a DNA profile from an International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) laboratory to register a horse (geldings excluded). Applicants are encouraged to use ISAG labs within/near their countries of origin. The DNA profiles and/or parentage verification will be transferred into the EBRA's UC Davis account. The European Brabant and Ardennes were the foundation of many draft breeds that exist today, which still exhibit the phenotype and character traits of their ancestors. A few of these breeds continue to incorporate European Brabant and/or Ardennes into their breeding herds. To that end, in addition to the approved European Registries, the EBRA will recognize European Brabant heritage breeds and permit their offspring in the European Brabant Stock designation. These horses will still be subject to pedigree assessments for traceable, verifiable heritage to determine a percentage rating at the owner’s expense. Horses who are determined to have >47% European Brabant bloodlines will qualify for inclusion in the European Brabant Stock Studbook. To best ensure the most accurate rating of the horse being registered, owners are required to provide any progenitor documentation available to include registry information, supportive documents, breeder affidavits, bills of sale, pictures, videos and other evidence where possible. A DNA test will be required to prove parentage. If an imported horse of European Brabant heritage, or their offspring, is a breed not found on the list of approved breeds, the horse owner may submit a request for special review. The horse owner must provide the registry’s information, the horse’s supportive documentation and a copy of the supportive documents translated into English. The Executive Board will review the submission and decide whether to recognize and include the breed, and or registry, within the European Brabant Stock designation. Recognized European Registries Koninklijke Maatschappij Het Belgisch Trekpaard (KMBT) Koninklijke Vereniging Het Nederlandse Trekpaard (KVTH) Vlaamse fokkers van het Belgisch Trekpaard (VFBT) Association Wallon Cheval Trait Belge (AWCTB) Cheval de Trait Ardennaias Landskontaret for Hest Syndicate d’ Elevage du Cheval Trait Noord Cheval de Trait Luxembourgeois Le Cheval Auxois Examples of Brabant Heritage Breeds American Belgian American Brabant (Book 1) Czech Coldblood Horse German Rhenish Coldblood Hungarian Draft Horse Italian Heavy Draft Jutland Horse Lithuanian Heavy Draft Murakoz Horse Pfalz-Ardenner Russian Heavy Draft Swedish Ardennes Sztumski “Polish Coldblood” Draft Horse Trait Breton Heavy
APPENDIX BRABANT RECORD DESIGNATION The Appendix Brabant Record is designed to track and record draft crosses with European Brabant heritage who do not meet purebred European Brabant Registry standards and light horse crosses with European Brabant Heritage. Within this category, there is no limitation on progenitor draft breeds, conformation or color. The only requirement is the horse be a minimum of 25% verifiable European Brabant heritage. Horses who meet the qualifications for the European Brabant or European Brabant Stock Studbooks will be given the option for inclusion during the application process, however horse owners reserve the right to remain in the Appendix Brabant Record. European Brabant Studbook qualifying horses who remain in the Appendix Brabant Record will be annoted within the Registry. If the qualifying horse is sold, the new owner may request redesignation at the time of ownership transfer. Studbook rules and registration fees apply. NOTE: Offspring of light horse crosses within the Appendix Brabant Record will not qualify for registration in the European Brabant Stock Studbook. NOTE: Offspring of draft horse Appendix Brabants who are >47% and meet color standards may be considered for registration within the European Brabant Stock studbook.

QUALIFIED MARE DESIGNATION Owners of European Brabant Stock mares who are >24 months old and >87.5% verifiable European Brabant heritage may request a special European Brabant assessment by the EBRA Evaluation Committee at the owner’s expense. Mares will be judged for purebred European Brabant standards and, if they pass the Breed Standard Evaluation, will be identified, and labeled within the EBRA database as European Brabant Qualifying Mares (QM). NOTE: QM status does not change a mare’s registration designation from European Brabant Stock to purebred European Brabant. However, if not already a Stakeholder Member, the owner of a QM status horse will be reclassified from General Membership to Stakeholder (voting) Membership. All European Brabant Studbook eligible offspring of QM status European Brabant Stock mares and European Brabant registered stallions will not be subjected to the mandatory evaluation needed to achieve purebred European Brabant status. If a mare does not meet purebred European Brabant standards, her eligible offspring may still apply for European Brabant status and be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
"BREED UP" PROGRAM EXPLAINED This incredible heritage breed suffers from critically low, genetically limited numbers globally, so the goals of the EBRA are twofold; preserve the breed standard while growing genetically diverse herd numbers. Part of that initiative is offering a Breed Up Program, where the EBRA evaluates European Brabant Stock studbook offspring from non-Brabant heavy draft breeds, or percentage-Brabant, broodmares, and imported, or high-percentage, stallions for inclusion in the European Brabant Studbook. In doing so, breeders may take those 50% offspring and “Breed Up” to the EBRA purebred standard of >93.75%. They must be at least 24 months old and pass the Breed Standards Evaluation to be recognized as purebred. The European Brabant Registry of America is structured with two primary studbooks, European Brabant and European Brabant Stock. Horses in the European Brabant studbook have 93.75%-100% European Brabant bloodlines and are the foundation of our breeding programs; the breed that we want to preserve and promote. In addition to these foundation horses, the European Brabant Stock studbook tracks horses with a minimum 47% European Brabant bloodlines. While the mission of the European Brabant Registry of America is to preserve and promote the purebred European Brabant horse, it is important to recognize the limited number of imported and high-percentage horses currently residing in America and the challenges that presents. Rare, limited population breeds such as the European Brabant often struggle with inbreeding and narrow genetic diversity. This is a problem often seen in many European-based studbooks where horses are related to few popular lines. This issue is further compounded when small numbers of horses are imported and used to found new breeding programs in America. EBRA guidelines are in place, which require European Brabant Stock mares be bred-up to stallions >75% European Brabant heritage. As such, the average percentage of European Brabant blood in the horses should increase through the generations. In the future, as the availability of European Brabant stallions grows, the threshold for mating requirements may be increased. The concept of breeding quality, qualified outside blood to foundation stock is not a new idea. In fact, breeding up is a common practice in low-population horse and livestock heritage breeds around the world. Globally, the threshold for being considered a purebred animal is set to either 7/8 (87.5%) or 15/16 (93.75%). The European Brabant Registry of America has opted for the higher standard and accepts these 15/16 animals as 94% (<93.75) European Brabant purebred horses. The offspring of 94% (93.75% European Brabant Studbook eligible offspring from QM status European Brabant Stock Studbook mares and European Brabant Studbook registered stallions will not be subjected to the evaluation to achieve purebred European Brabant status. Percentage Policy The EBRA acknowledges that some registries admit animals that are 87.5% as purebred, however the minimum requirement of 94%, or 15/16, reflects the Registry’s high standards and expectations for what is deemed purebred European Brabant. A horse that is 93.75% will be rounded up and eligible for inclusion only after the evaluation process. No other exceptions will be made. As the population of purebred European Brabants grows, the EBRA reserves the right to raise the minimum percentage requirement for purebred status. Age Policy The Breed Up Program is completely voluntary and >93.75% horses may remain in the European Brabant Stock Studbook at the owner’s discretion. Those horse owners who wish to “Breed Up” their horses to the premier European Brabant Studbook may do so when the horse reaches a minimum of 24 months of age. It should be noted, the Registry encourages horse owners to wait until the animal is >36 months to ensure the most accurate evaluation. Horses who are >93.75% and >24 months old may apply for European Brabant Studbook registration and undergo the Breed Standard Evaluation process straight away, while horses who are >94% and
PERCENTAGES EXPLAINED A unique aspect of the European Brabant in America is the focus on verifiable European Brabant blood. The European Brabant Registry of America uses a percent system to measure how much of a horse is genetically European Brabant and how much is contributed by other draft breeds. High percentage horses in America are characteristically and aesthetically much like their full-blooded counterparts in Europe. On the other hand, a 50% European Brabant Stock horse, whose sire is European Brabant and whose dam is a draft mare of unknown origin, will likely have physical and behavioural traits echoing both parents. Thus, a horse’s European Brabant likeness is directly correlated with its percentage of European Brabant heritage. The higher the percentage, the truer to European Brabant type. To understand the concept of percentages, let’s evaluate a hypothetical horse together. We’ll call this mock horse Daisy. To determine Daisy’s percentage, we must look at her sire and dam as well as her grandsires and granddams. First, we’ll start with her sire, Jake, and then look at her dam, Star. Jake’s sire is Judd, a 100% European Brabant stallion, and Jake’s dam is Jenn, a 100% European Brabant mare. Since Jake is genetically half (50%) of his sire, Judd, and half (50%) his dam, Jenn, Jake would be considered 100% European Brabant. Now let’s look at Daisy’s dam, Star. Star is sired Sunny, a 100% European Brabant stallion, and Star’s dam, Sara, is a 0% draft broodmare of unknown origin. Since Star is genetically half (50%) of each parent, we simply take half of her sire, Sunny, who is a 100%, and half her dam, Sara, who is 0% and add those percentages together. In short, 50% Sunny + 0% Sara = 50% Star. Star is a 50% European Brabant. Knowing Daisy is half (50%) of each parent, we simply take half of her sire, Jake, who is a 100%, and half her dam, Star, who is 50% and add those percentages together. So, 50% Jake + 25% Star = 75% Daisy. Thus, Daisy is a 75% European Brabant. Another way to look at it is through this mathematical equation. Jake 100% + Star 50% 150% 2 or 2 = Daisy 75% This calculation can be carried out for additional generations, with each generation further back in the pedigree contributing half of the genetic makeup of the next generation. As one looks at a horse’s pedigree, they can quickly determine the percent of blood that a given ancestor contributes to a horse based on which generation they appear in the pedigree. The contributions of each generation are as follows: Generation 1 (parents) 50% Generation 2 (grandparents) 25% Generation 3 (great-grandparents) 12.5% Generation 4 (great-great grandparents) 6.25% Generation 5 (great-great-great grandparents) 3.125% Let’s say Daisy is bred to a 94% European Brabant stallion named Diego. Their offspring will be 50% Daisy and 50% Diego. Since Daisy is 75% and Diego is 94%, that pairing would result in an 84.5% horse. If Daisy is bred to a 100% stallion, that baby would be 87.5%. There are cases where a horse’s parents are not registered, or perhaps do not have documentation to prove their European Brabant percentages. In those cases, more work is required to trace the pedigree and determine which ancestors are European Brabant horses and how much genetic contribution they’ve made. The easiest way to do this is take a copy of the pedigree and study which horses are European Brabants imported since 1965, then calculate the contribution those ancestors made to the horse’s genetic profile. Continuing our hypothetical horse, Daisy, let’s explore the pedigree tracing scenario. Perhaps one day, Daisy is bred to an older stallion named Dusty, whose paperwork was lost sometime during ownership transfers. The current stallion owners provide the European Brabant Registry of America with the previous known owners of Dusty, and they in turn share his lineage through a pedigree affidavit. From there, Dusty’s percentage can be calculated and confirmed, and in so doing, his and Daisy’s offspring can also be determined. We’ll name their foal Daphne. Justin (imported EB 100%) Sylvester (97%) Sylvia (94%) Dusty (94.75%) Jasper (88%) Jane (92.5%) Suzie (97%) Daphne (85%) Jake (imported EB 100%) Daisy (75%) Star (0%) Again, as we consider Daphne’s pedigree, it’s important to remember the percentages annotated on her chart reflect European Brabant heritage only. Therefore, a percentage of her blood is coming from non-European Brabant ancestors – 15% of Daphne’s genetic make-up is draft horses of unknown origin. While the system of tracking a horse’s European Brabant percentage may seem cumbersome, or at times arbitrary, the calculations are based on sound principles of inheritance. These are calculations anyone can perform when researching horses, but it is critical to keep a few things in mind. The European Brabant Registry of America has the final say on determining the European Brabant percentage of a specific horse. The registry reviews are more in-depth than those performed by prospective buyers or breeders and may reveal anomalies that were not noted in a quick pedigree analysis. Other European Brabant heritage registries such the American Brabant Association, a new draft breed in the USA, have slightly different rules for determining which European breeds are recognized as 100% purebred imports, therefore the same horse may have two different percentage ratings depending on the organization with which it is registered. It is important to review the European Brabant Registry of America’s recognized breeds list to best know how the percentage assignment will be impacted. Understanding the foundations behind the calculations will help breeders develop a “Breed Up” strategy to produce higher-percentage European Brabant horses. As the number of registered and documented horses grows, the process of percentage calculations will become simpler. Parents will have known percentages, which may be averaged easily.
HORSE EVALUATIONS Evaluation Committee The purpose of Breed Standard Evaluations is to assess and score qualified percentage horses who are applying for European Brabant Stock QM (>87.5%) status or European Brabant Studbook (>93.75%) "Breed Up" status. The Evaluation Committee is made up of Stakeholder Members who have been selected by the Board of Directors and trained in EBRA breed standards, and evaluation operating procedures and who know the guidelines per designation. No less than three Evaluation Committee Members review each application. Note: An evaluator must recuse themselves from the evaluation process if they have owned, are the breeder of, or have a stake in the horse applicant. The Process European Brabant Qualified Mares (QM) and “Breed Up” European Brabant applicants must be >24 months of age at the time of evaluation. The owner shall submit five photographs: full left side view, full right side view, rear view, front view and headshot, a 360-degree view walk-around video of the stationary horse, and a video of the horse demonstrating walk and trot, following EBRA Photo and Video Guidelines. All applicants shall also be subject to a Full Color & Pattern Test. Alternatively, the Owner can submit an existing Full Color & Pattern Test produced by a recognized independent test facility. Judging independent of each other, each evaluator is provided still images and video from which to score each horse applicant. Once complete, the evaluation forms are returned to the EBRA Evaluation Committee Chair and tallied. Based on the required minimum score, the horse applicant is either approved or disapproved. Note: An evaluator must recuse themselves from the evaluation process if they have owned, are the breeder of, or have a stake in the horse applicant. Contest Ruling and Re-Evaluation Policy Upon request, the horse owner may be provided copies of the evaluation surveys, which include the evaluators’ reasons for disapproving a horse. An applicant has ninety (90) days to contest the Evaluation Committee’s ruling. An applicant has ninety (90) days to contest the Evaluation Committee’s ruling. If the applicant formally contests the ruling, they have an option for a re-evaluation of the initial submission by a third-party expert evaluator at the Owner’s expense. A third-party expert evaluator is an individual with extensive, widely recognized experience with the European Brabant breed, such as one of the breed contest judges. All re-evaluations will be conducted as soon as practicable only after the owner applies for an appeal and pays the re-evaluation fee. The appeal re-evaluation will be conducted utilizing originally submitted photos and video. The third-party expert evaluator’s decision is final. Note: Draft horses take a long time to mature and develop. Young horses (aged 2 to 4 years old) who are still growing may not exhibit some of the breed standard criteria and therefore could receive less favorable evaluations. For this reason, every juvenile applicant (aged 2 to 4 years old at the time of initial evaluation) may request one Re-Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee per horse at a later date. The re-evaluation will be scheduled and conducted no sooner than one year after the initial evaluation and the horse owner must resubmit an up-to-date application with new, current photos and video, plus pay the evaluation fee.

HORSE NAMING All horses with existing passports and/or registrations from other studbooks shall retain their original name within the EBRA. For passports with non-latin-languages (ie: Asian, Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.), the name will be translated to and recorded in English in the EBRA studbook. No horse shall be registered under a name that has already been registered in the books of the European Brabant Registry of America. Unique names shall be up to forty (40) characters in length, which will include the breeder’s prefix. Names in any Latin-based language (ie: English, Spanish, Dutch, French, etc.) are acceptable. The owner will be permitted to submit two name choices on the application for registration. Owners are advised that any communication to the European Brabant Registry of America with regards to a registered horse should refer to the horse by its registered name, even though the horse may also be known by another “barn” name. NOTE: If the current owner who is registering the horse is not the breeder, the current owner should request permission from the breeder to use the breeder’s prefix. Name Change Policy Name changes will be approved if deemed a mistake or typo for a nominal fee. In case of a claim that appears to not be a mistake or typo, the Board of Directors will provide a three (3) person committee to arbitrate. No changes are allowed for any horse that has been bred or has progeny, whether that progeny is alive or not. This will include any stallion that has been collected, either frozen or chilled, or exposed in any way to a mare; or, in the case of a mare this would include any mare who was exposed to a stallion of any type whether the stallion was registered or not, regardless of the possibility of offspring. Names including Registered Prefixes require written permission from the prefix holder to change. In the case of a null prefix holder (in other words, deceased or unavailable) the Board of Directors will provide a three (3) person committee to arbitrate. All other name changes are available for a fee, to be set by the Board of Directors. This price is set to discourage frivolous changes, which are deemed detrimental to the Registry. A horse's name may only be changed one time, unless to allow a change back to the horse's original name, fees to be incurred for each name change. NOTE: The breeder is the individual who owned the mare at the time of breeding.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS FOR REGISTRATIONS Anyone applying for registration is required to submit one full side view of their horse with all four legs visible and the head tilted slightly toward the camera. Those applying for "QM" or "Breed Up" Breed Standard Evaluations are required to submit five photographs: Full left side view Full right-side view Rear view Front view Headshot To get started: The horse should be clean, with no saddle or harness. All white markings should be visible – braid forelock and tail if necessary. Allow adequate space around the animal – Do not crop into the horse. If image editing, do not apply color or distorting filters. Submit images online via email to registrar@europeanbrabant.com or you can upload media to the EBRA Google Drive by clicking HERE. You can also send a thumb drive with media by mail to 407 Woodland Rd Mercer, PA 16137. Background: Level and Cluttter Free Find a location that is relatively level and free of clutter where you can tie your horse, or have a helper hold them, to take the photos. Side Views: Camera Orientation The camera should be positioned horizontally while capturing all side view photos. Side Views: Camera Position Position the camera center-mass of the horse (mid-ribcage) and lower yourself until the horizon line goes straight through the middle of the horse. Imagine there’s a grid over your horse and try to keep shoulders and hips squared within the grid. This will ensure you are truly square to the horse and not capturing any unwanted distortion that may skew their conformation. Portrait: Camera Orientation When capturing the portrait, be sure to orient the camera vertically. You should see both eyes, nostrils, ears and any white facial markings. Braid the forelock if necessary. Portrait: Camera Position Center the camera on the horse’s face, then lower yourself until the horizon line goes straight through the middle of their body. Imagine there’s a grid over your horse’s face and try to balance their face within the grid. This will ensure you achieve a true full-frontal portrait. Full Front and Rear Views: Camera Orientation When capturing the rear and front views, be sure to orient the camera vertically. Full Front and Rear View: Camera Position Center the camera on the horse’s chest and/or tail, then lower yourself until the horizon line goes straight through the middle of their body. Imagine there’s a grid over your horse and try to balance their body within the grid. This will ensure you are truly square to the horse and not capturing any unwanted distortion that may skew their conformation. Braid the tail if legs are not visible. Video Anyone applying for Breed Standard Evaluations is required to submit videos that show a 360-degree view of the horse standing still as well as the horse at the walk and trot. The horse should be clean, with no saddle or harness, and led in hand for the recording. Video Background: Find a location that is relatively level and free of clutter, large enough to lead your horse in a minimum 30’ triangle. Camera: Whether you prop your recording device up on a fence, use a tripod, or have someone record for you, ensure the platform is level and stable. Situate the camera so it is at the horse’s chest height, ensuring it is level and secure before pressing record. If handheld, do not move the camera excessively. Walk and Trot Patterns: Walk straight away from the camera about 30 feet, turn around, and walk straight back. Repeat the same pattern at the trot. Then walk left to right in front of the camera, turn around, and walk back. Repeat the same pattern at the trot. If you or your horse handler would like to do this twice, three times, four times... that is acceptable. There is no such thing as too much video. More footage provides evaluators a better view of the horse’s movement and will work to the applicant’s advantage. NOTE: The use of aids such as a stick-and-string, lunge whip, carriage whip and sack-on-a-stick are permitted to encourage horses to trot. Absolutely NO hitting, slapping or whipping with a hand, lead rope or whip. If an aid appears to make physical contact an animal, it will be deemed abuse, the application will be halted and the applicant’s Membership suspended until the Board of Directors reviews the video in question and additional evidence, interviews the applicant and votes to reinstate or revoke Membership. If Membership is reinstated, the application will be restarted. Photo and Video Editing Raw, unedited video files are acceptable. However, if you’re recording the video with your smartphone and want to merge your raw videos into one file, there are convenient phone apps, such as InShot, iMovie, and Splice that provide easy video editing to compile your recordings, edit out sound, fix exposure and export one video file. If you’re using a traditional camera, there are computer-based video editing programs, such as QuickTime which provide basic splices and trims to combine your recordings. Do not apply color filters or novelties to photographs or videos. The horse’s name may be added in the lower left-hand corner of the videos only. Always choose the best possible resolution and file size to ensure maximum quality. Submit videos online via email to registrar@europeanbrabant.com or you can upload media to the EBRA Google Drive by clicking HERE. You can also send a thumb drive with media by mail to 407 Woodland Rd Mercer, PA 16137.
PREFIX RESERVATION A breeder of registered European Brabants may reserve an exclusive prefix name, if it is not in use, or very similar to other prefix names in use in the files of the EBRA. The name may not be used by any other breeder unless such other breeder submits the written permission of the proprietor of the reserved prefix. Keeping your prefix brief will give you a broader choice of names. Provide two choices in order of preference in case the same prefix or a similar one is already in use and on record. The proprietor’s right to the prefix name shall be lost by five (5) consecutive years of non-use of the prefix. The prefix owner may transfer or retire their prefix at any time by submitting the correlating forms to the EBRA and paying the designated fees.
CERTIFICATE CORRECTIONS The registration certificate shall accurately describe the horse for which it has been issued. An owner is responsible for immediately reporting any discrepancy on a registration certificate to European Brabant Registry of America and returning it for correction. A corrected certificate is issued to indicate a change in color, markings, gender (stallion/gelding) or foaling month; removal of scars or brands which previously had been indicated on the certificate; or the correction of a date of transfer. The EBRA must be provided with the original certificate before a corrected certificate can be issued. Correction of an original registration certificate may be obtained by the current record owner or owner’s authorized agent by filing the proper form completed in all respects, along with five full-view current photographs of the horse showing a portrait of the head, both sides, front and rear views. When a significant correction in the description of a horse is requested, positive identification may be required if the ownership is no longer recorded in the name of the original owner (owner of dam at time of foaling). Such positive identification requires written affirmation and signature on a photograph of the horse (clearly showing distinctive markings) from the original owner or authorized agent stating that the photograph is of the horse in question. If the application for a corrected certificate contains a discrepancy that raises a question as to the identity of the horse, an inspection may be required. If a horse is still in the ownership of the party that first made application to register it, correction of a registration certificate that is a change of color only may be obtained by the record owner, by filing a written statement of the correct color. The registration certificate and correction fee must be returned with the signed statement. To correct the date of transfer recorded with EBRA, EBRA must be provided with a signed statement from either the buyer or seller giving the correct date, the horse’s registration certificate and the correction fee. At the EBRA’s discretion and in the interest of equity, the date of transfer may be corrected upon EBRA’s receipt of a signed statement from either buyer or seller. If a registration certificate is delivered to EBRA’s office for a correction, but the correction items are not in proper order to issue a corrected certificate, the registration certificate will be retained by the EBRA until the correction can be completed and a new certificate issued. A replacement certificate is a new registration certificate issued when the original certificate is in existence, but has been defaced. EBRA must be provided with the original certificate before a replacement certificate can be issued. A duplicate registration certificate is issued when the original has been lost or destroyed and sufficient proof of loss and proper identification of the horse has been submitted to EBRA. EBRA may issue a duplicate registration certificate after the current record owner or authorized agent files the properly completed form and stating the circumstances under which the original registration certificate was lost or destroyed, and pays the required fee. Such form is to be accompanied by five full-view current photographs of the horse, showing the head, both sides, front and rear views. If the owner is not EBRA’s record owner, they additionally shall provide EBRA a statement from the last record owner to obtain the duplicate registration certificate. Such statement shall describe the circumstances of the transfer and the identity of the person to whom the registration certificate was delivered. If the certificate was lost by a trainer or barn manager, statements from such other persons should accompany the record owner’s request for a duplicate certificate. If the application for the duplicate certificate contains a discrepancy to question the identity of the horse, EBRA may require inspection. To issue a duplicate certificate when the record owner or authorized agent cannot be located to complete a statement, after all reasonable efforts by the current owner and then by EBRA, the following items are required: properly completed and signed transfer reports or acceptable bills of sale reflecting each ownership change beginning with the record owner. A signed statement by each party who had the original certificate in his or her possession after the record owner; a signed statement from current owner giving details of all attempts to contact record owner. five current full-view photographs of the horse’s head, both sides, front and rear views.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP If you bought your horse from the person who is recorded on the European Brabant Registry of America Certificate of Registration, the EBRA will need a completed Standard Transfer Form that details and is signed by the seller. A transfer will not be performed without a signed-by-seller form. If you bought your horse from someone other than the recorded owner (ie, there has been a break or several breaks in ownership) then you need to complete an Exceptional Transfer Form and in the space provided you must: Let the Registry know exactly who you bought your horse from, ie: the name, address, phone number if you have it. The Date of purchase. The Registry will require a copy of any purchase receipt or bill of sale to prove you bought the horse in good faith. NOTE: All DNA parentage verification and mandatory health testing results, whether purchased through the EBRA or transferred into the EBRA system, will become permanent record, which the documented owner may access at any time upon request. The EBRA is not responsible for providing non-mandatory DNA tests results, therefore the release of any additional testing performed by the past or present owners must be negotiated between the private parties at the time of purchase If an EBRA registered horse is sold and transferred to an individual who is not currently an EBRA member, and has not had an active membership within the prior 5 years, the new owner will be granted a free membership through the end of the calendar year (or through the end of the following calendar year if the transfer is effective after August 31) Standard Transfer To record a transfer, the responsible party must supply EBRA the following items: The registration certificate of the horse A properly completed and signed EBRA transfer report by the last recorded owner The membership status of the seller will determine the applicable transfer fee. The EBRA will recognize the signature of any one of the joint owners of the horse on EBRA’s transfer report if such owner is named on the horse’s current registration certificate, except for a transfer by one joint owner (or agent) to him or herself, which transfer shall require the signature of one of the other joint owner(s)/agent(s). Additionally, EBRA will recognize the signature of any partner when a partnership is a record owner. If such recognition is not to be permitted, or is to be limited otherwise, the joint owners or partnership must file with EBRA a written agreement to that effect, specifying horse’s name and registration number, and signed by all such joint owners or partners. The owner of record at time of sale has the responsibility for completing an EBRA transfer report in its entirety and for delivery of it to EBRA. The seller must provide on the transfer report the correct name and registration number of the horse, date of sale, name and address of buyer, and signature and address of seller. The seller shall deliver the transfer form, along with the registration certificate, to EBRA, along with any other documents required to complete the transfer of ownership. Involuntary Transfer In regard to involuntary transfers, including, but not limited to, court judgment, stableman’s lien or security interest foreclosure, when a previous owner is unavailable to verify the whereabouts of the original registration certificate or refuses to adhere to a court judgment by delivering the original registration certificate for transfer, at EBRA’s discretion, and in the interest of equity, requirement of statement of the record owner may be waived and the current owner deemed eligible for a duplicate certificate. Each transfer of ownership of a registered horse shall be recorded by EBRA. The responsible party (seller) must submit all transfer items to EBRA immediately after sale to ensure prompt service, to reduce the possibility of losing either certificate or transfer report and to lessen the chance of complications that might make it impossible to ever record the transfer. Auction Sale For a horse sold through an auction, the seller may rely on the auction management to send the registration certificate, properly completed transfer report and required transfer fee to EBRA on the seller’s behalf. Ultimate responsibility for completion and delivery of the transfer report along with any other documents required to complete the transfer of ownership to the current owner, to EBRA, continues however to remain with the seller.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP If you bought your horse from the person who is recorded on the European Brabant Registry of America Certificate of Registration, the EBRA will need a completed Standard Transfer Form that details and is signed by the seller. A transfer will not be performed without a signed-by-seller form. If you bought your horse from someone other than the recorded owner (ie, there has been a break or several breaks in ownership) then you need to complete an Exceptional Transfer Form and in the space provided you must: Let the Registry know exactly who you bought your horse from, ie: the name, address, phone number if you have it. The Date of purchase. The Registry will require a copy of any purchase receipt or bill of sale to prove you bought the horse in good faith. NOTE: All DNA parentage verification and mandatory health testing results, whether purchased through the EBRA or transferred into the EBRA system, will become permanent record, which the documented owner may access at any time upon request. The EBRA is not responsible for providing non-mandatory DNA tests results, therefore the release of any additional testing performed by the past or present owners must be negotiated between the private parties at the time of purchase If an EBRA registered horse is sold and transferred to an individual who is not currently an EBRA member, and has not had an active membership within the prior 5 years, the new owner will be granted a free membership through the end of the calendar year (or through the end of the following calendar year if the transfer is effective after August 31) Standard Transfer To record a transfer, the responsible party must supply EBRA the following items: The registration certificate of the horse A properly completed and signed EBRA transfer report by the last recorded owner The membership status of the seller will determine the applicable transfer fee. The EBRA will recognize the signature of any one of the joint owners of the horse on EBRA’s transfer report if such owner is named on the horse’s current registration certificate, except for a transfer by one joint owner (or agent) to him or herself, which transfer shall require the signature of one of the other joint owner(s)/agent(s). Additionally, EBRA will recognize the signature of any partner when a partnership is a record owner. If such recognition is not to be permitted, or is to be limited otherwise, the joint owners or partnership must file with EBRA a written agreement to that effect, specifying horse’s name and registration number, and signed by all such joint owners or partners. The owner of record at time of sale has the responsibility for completing an EBRA transfer report in its entirety and for delivery of it to EBRA. The seller must provide on the transfer report the correct name and registration number of the horse, date of sale, name and address of buyer, and signature and address of seller. The seller shall deliver the transfer form, along with the registration certificate, to EBRA, along with any other documents required to complete the transfer of ownership. Involuntary Transfer In regard to involuntary transfers, including, but not limited to, court judgment, stableman’s lien or security interest foreclosure, when a previous owner is unavailable to verify the whereabouts of the original registration certificate or refuses to adhere to a court judgment by delivering the original registration certificate for transfer, at EBRA’s discretion, and in the interest of equity, requirement of statement of the record owner may be waived and the current owner deemed eligible for a duplicate certificate. Each transfer of ownership of a registered horse shall be recorded by EBRA. The responsible party (seller) must submit all transfer items to EBRA immediately after sale to ensure prompt service, to reduce the possibility of losing either certificate or transfer report and to lessen the chance of complications that might make it impossible to ever record the transfer. Auction Sale For a horse sold through an auction, the seller may rely on the auction management to send the registration certificate, properly completed transfer report and required transfer fee to EBRA on the seller’s behalf. Ultimate responsibility for completion and delivery of the transfer report along with any other documents required to complete the transfer of ownership to the current owner, to EBRA, continues however to remain with the seller.

STALLION POLICIES Progenitor Policy As the mission of the Registry is to preserve and maintain the European Brabant breed standard, and to always “breed up” lower percentage horses to that standard, only offspring produced by stallions who are registered within the purebred European Brabant Studbook will be eligible for registration within the European Brabant Studbook. Interim Policy The EBRA recognizes the critically low numbers of purebred European Brabants in America and the logistical hurdles breeders face. To that end, the EBRA will recognize heavy draft horse offspring from European Brabant and European Brabant Stock mares and stallions who are >47% verifiable European Brabant heritage within the European Brabant Stock Studbook and those who are >97% will be eligible for evaluation and inclusion within the European Brabant Studbook. All breed standards still apply. As the population of European Brabants increase, the EBRA reserves the right to amend or revoke this practice. Cooled & Frozen Semen Policy All foals conceived via artificial insemination using cooled semen from European Brabant and European Brabant Stock Studbook stallions are eligible for registration. Proof of semen purchase, receipt and/or stallion owner affidavit identifying the mare and stallion is required with registration application. All foals conceived via imported frozen semen from stallions registered with EBRA approved European studbooks are eligible for registration. The semen importer/owner must acquire the stallion’s DNA profile, file it with the EBRA and pay the necessary filing fee so parentage verification may be conducted. Additionally, proof of semen purchase, receipt and/or stallion owner affidavit identifying the mare and stallion is required with registration application. Embryo Transfer Stallion and donor mare must be duly registered and DNA-typed by the European Brabant Registry of America. Recipient mare need not be. We allow an unlimited number of embryos per donor mare. All harvested embryos must be reported on an embryo harvesting form. At time of registration, regular procedures will be followed, i.e. the foal will be DNA-typed and parentage verified.
STALLION HEALTH REPORTS Mandatory Reporting All mature breeding-age stallions at the time of registration and/or stallions preparing for their first breeding season are required to have Junctional Epidermal Bullosa (JEB) and Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy PSSM tests on file through with EBRA. Owners may order the labs through the EBRA or transfer existing test results into the system. EBRA registered stallions who have tested positive for JEB, or those who have do not have test results on file, are not qualified for breeding and their offspring will not be registerable. Leg Health Reports and PSSM lab results will not disqualify a stallion from breeding. Please Note: Owners of offspring whose sires are not registered with the EBRA, or whose sires do not have test results on file, are encouraged to acquire a copy of the stallion’s test results so they may be submitted with the horse’s Registration Application. Please Note: All DNA parentage verification and mandatory health testing results, whether purchased through the EBRA or transferred into the EBRA system, will become permanent record, which the documented owner may access at any time upon request. The EBRA is not responsible for providing non-mandatory DNA tests results, therefore the release of any additional testing performed by the past or present owners must be negotiated between the private parties at the time of purchase. Encouraged Reporting The EBRA promotes transparent, healthy and safe breeding practices. To that end, the EBRA highly encourages owners of all active European Brabant and European Brabant Stock breeding stallions and mares to submit Leg Health Reports at ages two (2), six (6) and ten (10). Leg Health Reports will remain confidential unless owners opt to have the reports made available to EBRA Members. While this is not mandatory at this time, the EBRA reserves the right change this policy in the future. Leg Health Reports Owners of all active European Brabant and European Brabant Stock breeding stallions and mares are encouraged to submit Leg Health Reports at ages two (2), six (6) and ten (10). Leg Health Reports will not disqualify a stallion or mare from breeding. Participating owners should submit their Leg Health Reports between January 1st and December 31st of the year the horse turns two (2), six (6) and ten (10). X-Rays: Your local veterinarian should record radiographs of all four legs from the bottom of the hoof up to four (4) inches above the pastern and the films must show a definitive profile of the skin. Given the leg size of the European Brabant, two radiographs, vertical and horizontal, may be needed per leg to see the entire required area. X-Rays must be date stamped and contain the horse’s registered name. If using a horse’s barn name alias, be sure to note that name on the Leg Health Report. NOTE: Chronic Progressive Lymphedema (CPL) is a common condition impacting many draft horse breeds, including the European Brabant. As such, the EBRA has developed the Leg Health Evaluation system that consists of a physical exam performed by the horse’s regular veterinarian, where each leg is carefully handled and evaluated for signs of scabbing, sores, edema, nodules, fluid, or other abnormalities. These findings are noted on a checklist that is returned to the EBRA. In addition, each leg is x-rayed to provide an objective image of the legs. The x-rays and Leg Health Reports are examined by a team of radiologists at the University of Missouri, who return a simple statement as to the degree of CPL, if any, currently exhibited by the horse. The horse owner may download and print a copy of the EBRA Leg Health Survey from the website, or email their DVM provider a digital fillable form, so the attending veterinarian may complete the form during the exam. The DVM and the horse owner are required to sign the form. The EBRA may contact the attending veterinarian to verify the document’s authenticity. Falsifying of the Leg Health Report will result in the immediate termination of the horse owner’s Membership. Horse owners may call the Registrar at +1 (724) 605-3680 and request a physical form be mailed to them at their expense. The completed survey must be scanned, or captured by smart phone device, and emailed, along with digital copies of the radiographs (DICOM images), to the Registrar@europeanbrabant.com. Alternatively, the original copy of the Leg Health Report may be physically mailed to the Registrar (407 Woodland Rd Mercer, PA 16137) and the attending veterinarian may send the digital copies of the radiographs via email to the Registry. The Registrar will send the horse’s Leg Health Report and radiographs the EBRA’s appointed equine radiology specialist, who will provide the EBRA with an independent, unbiased, scientific analysis of the survey and radiographs, then issue an official report. Only the official report will be posted publicly to the EBRA website. The radiographs and exam form will be made available on the “Members Only” secured website for Members’ viewing; no sharing of the secure information is permitted. The specialist and the EBRA will continue to monitor and track each horse’s leg health for the presence and/or progression of chronic progressive lymphedema (CPL), if any, over the horse’s lifetime. In doing so, the Registry aims to have a better science-based understanding of the disease and its progression, while also promoting heathy breeding practices through the dissemination of information, which may be used by mare owners to make informed breeding decisions. As a Registry, our goal is to ensure healthy European Brabant offspring for years to come. The Leg Health Reports are not disqualifying for breeding horses. Leg Measurements When submitting Leg Health Reports, owners must provide circumference measurements of all four legs. If you do not have a soft fabric measuring tape, you may always use a two foot length of string, yarn or twine that is soft enough to wrap around the canon bone. Place one end of the string on the front of the leg holding it in place with one hand, then wrap the loose end completely around the leg with your free hand ensuring you lift feathers to make contact with the skin. Once the loose end reaches the originating point, keep the loose end of the string pinched at the terminating point and release your hold on the starting point. Do not let go of the termination point. Lay the string upon a yard stick or metal measuring tape with the originating point at 0, then gently straighten the string and read the number at the termination point to determine the measurement. Front Limb Measurements: The front limb circumference is a cannon bone measurement, which should be measured directly below the carpus (knee). Hind Limb Measurements: The hind limb circumference is a cannon bone measurement, which should be measured directly below the hock (joint).
STALLION SERVICE REPORTS The owner or manager of a European Brabant or European Brabant Stock stallion, which has been bred to any registered European Brabant or European Brabant Stock Broodmares during a breeding season, must submit a Stallion Service Report on or before January 31 of the following breeding year. For stallions where ownership has changed during the breeding year, a separate stallion service report must be submitted. Registration of foals listed on the Stallion Service Report will not require a Breeding Certificate. If a mare is not listed on the Stallion Service Report a Breeding Certificate signed by the stallion owner must be provided before the foal will be registered. Reports must include: Mare Name & Registration Registered name and registration number of each mare bred Mare Owner Information Name of each mare owner and their contact information. Date & Method of Service All dates mares were bred; mares must be listed separately for each embryo/oocyte. Method of service: fresh, cooled or frozen semen, natural cover, artificial insemination, pasture breeding with date range mare was in with stallion. Stallion Report must be signed by the stallion owner at the time of breeding or by authorized agent. Delinquent Reports Any foals produced by the stallion and owned by the stallion owner and/or authorized agent bred in the breeding season for which the Stallion Report was not filed will not be eligible for registration until the Report has been filed for such breeding season with the EBRA and the penalty fee paid. Failure to file said report, or making a false or fraudulent statement on the report, shall be considered a violation of the rules of the EBRA.

A Member’s Role The European Brabant Registry of America values all European Brabant owners, breeders and enthusiasts and strives to build a supportive and encouraging community through its Memberships. As Members, individuals and farms are entitled to use EBRA data for commercial purposes. Publications of such data shall carry the following designation: “This information was provided by the European Brabant Registry of America from its Official Records.” Members have a duty to preserve and protect the registry records and the property of the European Brabant Registry of America including, but not limited to, European Brabant Registry of America electronic data made available to Members via the Member’s only accessible website. Membership Any person who pays their Membership fee shall become a member in good standing and shall be eligible for all the privileges that the organization provides. Memberships run on a calendar year basis, expiring on December 31. New members joining between September 1 and December 31 will be considered members through the following calendar year. Members neglecting or refusing to pay assessments within sixty (60) days after notice of such assessment has been mailed/e-mailed to them shall be deemed to have forfeited their Membership. Auto-renewing memberships renew annually on the date of purchase. If the plan is cancelled or payment fails and the member does not rectify the issue within 7 days the membership will be terminated. The Membership fee of the European Brabant Registry of America will be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will set an annual dues fee, which will enable the payee to remain on an active list and thus receive the literature distributed by the organization. Members not on the active list will not receive literature and notices of the organization. Each Stakeholder Member present shall be entitled to one (1) vote at all meetings of the Corporation. Any General Member who acquires a QM European Brabant Sock mare or European Brabant Studbook registered horse will be redesignated as a Stakeholder at no additional cost and the original dates of renewal remain unchanged. Any Stakeholder Member who parts from their European Brabant Studbook registered horse(s), whether through sale or an Act of God, shall remain a Stakeholder for the duration of their Membership. At the time of renewal, they will be redesignated as a General Member. Membership Duties It is the duty of every owner of a purebred European Brabant, Member or non-Member, who enjoys the benefits that come from having an animal which belongs with a Certificate of Registry, issued and backed by this corporation, to do everything within their power to live up to the Rules and Regulations as provided in these by-laws. Failure to live up to the requirements of these by-laws works to the financial disadvantage of the corporation and the owners of purebred European Brabants and tends to destroy the high standing and integrity of the Certificates of Registry and transfers issued by your corporation. Each owner shall keep the following records. List of all registered animals. List of all mares bred to his/her stallion(s). List of all foals born to his/her farm, including date of birth, dam, and sire. List of all stallions used on his/her mares with breeding dates. Any Member of this corporation or any European Brabant breeder or dealer who sells or offers for sale or exchange, or gives away, any European Brabant Registry of America Certificate of Registry, or any person who purchases or accepts or uses such Certificate of Registry in violation of any of the provisions of these by-laws, shall (regardless of whether or not they are a Member or non-Member of this corporation) be immediately and automatically barred from transacting any further business with this corporation until and unless they are reinstated by the Board of Directors of this corporation. Certificates of Registry for animals which have died or been euthanized must be returned to the Registrar for cancellation. Stakeholder Member A Stakeholder Member must own at least one (purebred) registered European Brabant or QM European Brabant Stock mare, and reside in North, to qualify for the Stakeholder Single Membership. Stakeholder Members are eligible to run for Board of Directors and Committee positions. General Member A General Member is open to anyone worldwide – horse and non-horse owners alike. General Members are non-voting, but may participate in all EBRA meetings, activity Committees and hold Officer Appointments. Single Membership A Single Membership provides access to exclusive online EBRA content and activities, receive discounts on EBRA services and receive the quarterly newsletter. Farm Membership Farm Membership is open to anyone worldwide. The General Farm Membership Includes discounts on EBRA services, online access to exclusive EBRA content, quarterly newsletters, a one-year free stallion advertisement, four complimentary one-month horse sale ads per year, one-year farm listing and complimentary one-time prefix reservation. Up to four immediate family members may participate in online and in-person activities.
MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Quarterly Member Meetings will be held on a date and time in January, April, July and October scheduled by the Board of Directors. All meetings will be conducted remotely over Zoom and may only be recorded by the Secretary to ensure the minutes accurately reflect the meeting proceedings. However, all recordings will be deleted following the secretary’s meeting transcription. The Board of Directors sets the day and times of Membership Meetings and reserves the right to change the schedule in the future. Meeting Etiquette One person will speak at a time so the person who has the floor is able to be heard by all. EBRA is committed to a culture of civility in which members may do the work of the organization in a safe and secure environment. This includes a meeting environment that is respectful, and free from any form of incivility that could interfere with the ability of the group to deliver on the mission of the organization. Forms of incivility include but are not limited to: discourteous actions, rudeness, name calling, derogatory remarks, using a condescending tone, public criticism, gossiping, lying, spreading rumours, ignoring, non-verbal innuendo, yelling, undermining activities, showing favouritism, blaming or rushing to judgment without the facts, withholding information, delayed replies, heavy sarcasm, sabotage, scapegoating, failure to respect privacy, and broken confidences. Any uncivil language or behaviour will be addressed. If after being addressed it recurs, the person will be removed from the meeting at the request of the President or by vote of the board, and the individual must leave the room. Join the Meeting Plan to log in to the meeting a few minutes early to allow time to work out any unanticipated technical challenges. Utilize a computer with a camera if at all possible. Second choice is to use the app on a phone with a camera. In this case, prop the phone on a surface, get the best reception you can and if you’re outdoors, try to not be in a windy spot. Using a phone with audio only is possible but the least desirable option because you are not afforded the benefits of the Zoom meeting features. When meeting using this technology, it is most helpful if everyone who has video, turns the video on. Hold or prop the camera up so it’s at eye level. (pointing the camera at your face from a low angle or only displaying the top of your head is usually not flattering and is distracting to others). Avoid distracting backgrounds. Headphones are helpful; you will hear and be heard more clearly. Listen with attention and speak with intention and tend to the wellbeing of the group. It is easy to get distracted when meeting remotely. Please mute when not talking. The host will also help to manage mute during the meeting to facilitate the flow of the meeting by reducing background noise. When voting is required, the host will ensure that everyone who has a vote is unmuted and a voice vote will be taken. If there is a question about the number of votes for, against or abstaining, either a poll will be created or the secretary will call out names to request the Members’ votes individually. Zero Tolerance Healthy debate sparks new ideas and growth within organizations, therefore the EBRA encourages constructive conversations with varied points of view. The EBRA will not censor Members’ opinions, however the EBRA will not tolerate any public or private bullying, hate speech or negative language, whether directed at another Member, non-Member, this organization or any other organization. If a Member is reported for such behavior, the matter will be reviewed by the Board of Directors who may choose suspend or terminate that individual’s Membership. Code of Ethics European Brabant Registry of America Board Members, Committee Members and Staff are expected to conduct the business of EBRA with integrity, to maintain a standard of conduct consistent with the regulations of the United States and all countries and jurisdictions in which the European Brabant Registry of America conducts business. We must maintain the values, spirit, and ideals of the equestrian world. Accordingly, all Board Members, Committee Members, Staff and Members are required to comply with the following European Brabant Registry of America Code of Ethics when representing or participating in EBRA business, activities, or events: Conduct all dealings with honesty and fairness. Respect the rights of all people to fair treatment and equal opportunity, free from discrimination or harassment of any type. Know, understand and comply with the laws, regulations, and codes of conduct governing the conduct of the European Brabant Registry of America competitions and business – both domestic and foreign. Ensure that all transactions are handled honestly and recorded accurately. Protect information that belongs to the European Brabant Registry of America, its donors, sponsors, suppliers, employees and volunteers. Avoid conflicts of interest, both real and perceived. Never use European Brabant Registry of America assets or information for personal gain. Recognize that even the appearance of misconduct or impropriety can be very damaging to the reputation of the European Brabant Registry of America, and act accordingly.
Conflicts of Interest For Board of Directors, Committee Members, Staff and Members: The European Brabant Registry of America defines a conflict of interest (COI) as any financial (both direct and indirect) relationship including relationships of family members (definition below) that could influence, or be perceived to influence, an individual’s objectivity when representing or conducting business for, or on behalf of, the European Brabant Registry of America. European Brabant of American defines “family” for these purposes as follows: spouse, parent, child or spouse of a child, brother, sister, spouse of a brother or sister, a cohabiting companion, or any other individual with a significant familial or familial-like relationship. Both parent and child shall include step-parent and stepchild. For purposes of this Policy, the term “Committee” includes any group of individuals designated by the President, or Board, or committee established to perform a particular task (e.g., task forces, ad hoc committees).

Responsibilities and Terms The Board of Directors (BOD) of the European Brabant Registry of America will always be subordinate to the General Assembly, also known as Members. The Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) elected Directors. Of the five (5) Directors, one (1) will serve as President and one (1) as Vice President. For continuity, the EBRA shall use the staggered elections (classified board) method where one-third of the Board of Directors will be up for elections at a time. The five (5) Directors shall be placed in one (1) of three (3) classes: Class I, Class II and Class III. After the first official Membership meeting, the term of office officially begins. Class I will be up for election first, followed by Class II one year later and then Class III the year after that, and so on until such time the organization is dissolved. The Vice President and President will be designated Class III. Each Director shall be elected by the Members to serve a term of three (3) years. No elected officer shall serve more than one consecutive term (3 years) in the same office. An elected officer may be re-elected to the same office after the lapse of one full year. Directors will be required to attend monthly Board of Directors meetings as well as the quarterly Member meetings set at such a time as determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Board of Directors is to establish the mission, goals and policies of the Corporation and how it will conduct itself in the process. The Board of Directors shall develop long-range plans for the Corporation; define strategy and a timeframe to achieve goals. They must ensure the long term financial stability and strength of the Corporation, develop and maintain sources of income to provide for the continuing operation of the organization. The Board of Directors must maintain the integrity, independence and ideals of the Corporation and not allow individuals or organizations to compromise these principles. The Board of Directors shall receive and hear and may investigate all allegations of wilful misrepresentation of pedigrees, registrations or transfers, exhibition of animals under false representation at any fair, show or exhibition, or any other infractions of the Rules and Regulations of the organization, or any other acts deemed derogatory to the good name of the organization.
PRESIDENT The President is an elected, unpaid position. It shall be expected of each President that they shall always be willing to give freely of their time and effort in helping solve the problems of management of this organization, and they will be continually conscious of the responsibility toward the Membership which they represent to the end, that the President does everything within their power to more thoroughly establish the breed, and to help maintain the highest possible standing of integrity for the records of this organization. Their job is to oversee the work of the Board of Directors and the organization’s management. A President position may be held by a Stakeholder Member in good standing, who has served as Director and Vice President. The President will preside over Board of Directors and Member meetings. The President is the face of the organization and will act as its spokesperson. The President may delegate public appearances to a Director, an Appointee or Committee Chair. The President may recommend action committees, suggest committee members and appoint committee Chairs. The President will govern the Nominating Committee whose sole purpose is to recruit prospective Directors.
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President is an elected, unpaid position. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and perform all their duties. Their job is to assist the President with the governance of the organization, and to develop, propose and enforce organization policies. Based on Board of Directors direction, the Vice President will prepare quarterly meeting agendas, provide said agendas to the Parliamentarian for the run-of-meeting preparation/guidance and give the agenda to the Secretary for distribution to the Members. The Vice President will conduct Executive Board orientations to newly elected Directors. The Vice President position may be held by a Stakeholder Member in good standing, who has served as Director.
DIRECTOR Directorships are elected, unpaid positions. Directors must be committed to the mission, goals and policies of the Corporation. They shall perform the functions and work of the board to the best of their ability. Directors will avoid any conflicts of interest and situations that would compromise the principles of the organization or lead to the perception of compromise. They must be knowledgeable about the organization, the services it provides and the Members it serves. The Board of Directors will recommend appointments for the Registrar, Treasurer and Secretary positions. The Board of Directors may reserve the option to carry over previously appointed positions for the sake of continuity. A Director position may be held by a Stakeholder Member in good standing.
REGISTRAR The Registrar is responsible for maintaining horse registry and Membership records. They answer registry phone calls and emails and offer guidance to new and/or existing Members. The Registrar processes horse registry applications and transfers, administers and oversees DNA testing, and verifies European Brabant heritage of new applicants. They process and monitor Membership applications and renewals, prepare organizational reports and registry records, and maintain supply inventory. The Registrar must have and be familiar with computers, printers, copiers, fax machines and shredders. They must be able to work with frequent interruptions and maintain emotional control under stress. The Registrar is a paid position set by the Board of Directors and based on the financial health of the organization. This position may be held by a Stakeholder, General Member or non-Member.
TREASURER The Treasurer keeps track of the organization's financial condition and maintains bookkeeping. He or she must understand financial accounting for non-profit organizations and work with the President to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the Board of Directors on a timely basis to include quarterly profit and loss statements. The treasurer reviews the annual audit and answers Board of Directors questions regarding the audit. They are responsible for monthly payroll and expense disbursement and they prepare and file all necessary IRS documents and pay any necessary tax fees. The Treasurer is a paid position set by the Board of Directors and based on the financial health of the organization. This position may be held by a Stakeholder, General Member or non-Member.
SECRETARY The Secretary attends all board meetings and is responsible for maintaining complete and accurate meeting minutes. The secretary is also tasked with monitoring compliance with the organization's bylaws. The Secretary will give Members notice of meetings and distribute minutes and other documents as needed. The Secretary is an appointed, volunteer, unpaid position. This position may be held by a Stakeholder, General Member or non-Member.
Nominations and Elections For continuity, the organization shall use the staggered elections (classified board) method where one-third of the Board of Directors will be up for elections at a time. The five (5) Directors shall be placed in one (1) of three (3) classes: Class I, Class II, and Class III. November 11th of each year is the EBRA’s official election date and shall also be the start date for each term of office. Class I is elected first, followed by Class II one year later and then Class III the year after that, and so on until such time the corporation is dissolved. The Vice President and President shall be designated as Class III. When the President’s 3-year term is complete, the Vice President will assume the Presidency. Should the current Vice President not wish to become President, they must notify the Board of Directors at least six months prior to the Class III General Elections. Nominees for President will then be identified from the pool of current and past Directors and a President will be voted upon by Members during the Class III General Election. The most recent past-President will act as Vice President until such time as the Board of Directors can identify and vote upon a new Vice President from among the pool of current and former Directors. A new Vice President should be elected by the Board of Directors no later than six months after Class III General Elections. In the event the newly appointed Vice President holds a current Director seat, their position will be offered to the nominee from the most recent General Election that received the 2nd highest number of votes. Should that person decline the Directorship, the seat shall be offered to the nominee with the next highest number of votes and so on, until the position is filled. Provided the appointed interim Director has served less than two years, that individual will be eligible to run for a Board position immediately following the conclusion of the term they are filling. To qualify for Directorship, one must be a Stakeholder Member in good standing and own at least one purebred EBRA registered European Brabant or Qualified Mare. All Director nominees must provide a Board of Directors Nomination Form no later than four months (120 days) prior to scheduled elections. The Nomination Form shall be submitted to the chair of the Nominating Committee. The role of the Nominating Committee includes reviewing the qualifications of nominees and providing the Board of Directors with the list of qualified nominees to be placed on the ballot for the next election. At least sixty (60) days before the date of the annual election, a list of nominees, along with their qualifications, will be sent to all Stakeholder Members for consideration via mail and/or email. At least thirty (30) days before the annual election, Director nominees will be provided the opportunity to speak to the Members directly during a virtual town hall meeting. In the event of a Directorship vacancy, the position will be offered to the nominee from the most recent General Election that received the 2nd highest number of votes. Should that person decline the Directorship, the seat shall be offered to the nominee with the next highest number of votes and so on, until the position is filled. P Provided the appointed interim Director has served less than two years, that individual will be eligible to run for a Board position immediately following the conclusion of the term they are filling.
COMMITTEES Committees are essential to the wellbeing, growth and governance of the organization and cover a wide range of administrative needs. Some committees are Standing Committees that are long-term, while others are Ad-Hoc Committees which are formed as needed and dissolved after a brief period. These committees are made up of subject matter experts, Members and non-Member volunteers. ADVISORY The role of the advisory committee is to provide expert advice to the Board of Directors in a variety of matters to ensure positive growth, mission success and continued development of the organization. NOMINATING The role of the nominating committee includes reviewing the qualifications of nominees and providing the Board of Directors with the list of qualified nominees to be placed on the ballot for the next coming election. HEALTH The role of the health committee is to provide clinical guidance and support for any existing or potential health issues which affect or may impact the breed. FUNDRAISING The role of the Fundraising Committee is to develop fundraising programs, identify corporate sponsors, seek private contributions and host fundraising events. EVALUATION The purpose of the Evaluation Committee is to assess and score horses applying for European Brabant Stock QM Broodmare and “Breed Up” European Brabant Studbook status. COMMUNICATION The role of the Communications and Public Relations Committee is to provide internal communication, help produce newsletters and official statements, manage social media, and act as the contact point for any media requests.