- Não inclui zigosidade roan
- Obrigatório para todas as avaliações Breed-Up e QM Broodmare
- Opcional para cavalos de estoque de brabante europeu e registro de apêndice
- Isento para descendentes de Studbook Brabant Europeu registrados garanhões e éguas aprovadas do QM European Brabant Stock Registered
Teste de painel de cores e padrões
Required for all Breed-Up and QM Broodmare Evaluations
Optional for European Brabant Stock and Appendix Record horses
Exempt for offspring of European Brabant Studbook registered stallions and approved QM European Brabant Stock Registered mares
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) is a non-profit, self-supporting unit of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis. We provide highly accurate genetic testing results and animal forensic services while also contributing to the educational and research mission of the school.
VGL provides animal parentage verification, identification, forensics services, genetic diagnostics, and genetic research for a broad range of domestic species as well as primates and wildlife species.